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Beyond Equilibrium Items and Collectibles (2)

Hello Beyond Equilibrium fans! Last week, I covered a short list of the items that you can collect and use with various functions, such as the array of batteries that are used for your gadgets, which can be found in numerous places throughout each level. The items covered last week filled about half the list of total items that can be found. This week, I will continue talking about the rest of the items, how they are used, and how difficult they are to find.

One of the cool items that is scattered around the space ship is the water bottle. You’re probably thinking: how will a water bottle help when I’m being surrounded by giant robots and flesh-eating cannibals? The answer: silence. Water bottles you find in the game will be used as makeshift silencers to severely reduce the amount of sound emitting from the barrel of your weapon. So, in effect, instead of the sound originating from the end of your gun barrel. It originates from the impact of the bullet on a wall, object, or enemy. Since water bottles are inherently flimsy, they can only be used to silence your shots three times before breaking apart, so make sure to use them strategically.

The space ship will be cluttered with junk. Whether it’s an aluminum can, glass bottle, snack bag, or any other sort of container, you’ll find it practically anywhere. These items can be held by the player, one at a time, and thrown at any time to cause a distraction where the item lands. The intricate part of these items is what type of item they are: if it is an empty can, it will rattle and echo through the entire hallway or room; if it is a full can of soda or glass bottle with some sort of liquid inside, it will shatter and spill the liquid on the ground, creating a puddle. Puddles splash when the player walks through them, creating slight noise and alerting enemies. This can also be used against enemies to attract enemy factions to them.

Bullets. Some of the most useful items you’ll find. Since these will be one of your main modes of defending yourself, bullets are incredibly rare and can only be held at a capacity of 124 rounds. This lends itself to the resource management idea that comes with almost any survival horror game. Whether it’s oil for a lantern, batteries for a flashlight, or, in this case, bullets for a gun, it forces the player to make decisions based on what they’ve got; if they have four bullets and two enemies, should they sneak around them, or try to kill them?

That’s all for these types of items. Next week, I will begin talking about some of the collectibles that you can find throughout each level.

~Jacob Giambalvo, PR Manager

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