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The Opening

The Earth is dying. Smog covers the crumbling mega-cities, and people who live in the lower levels have to wear gas mask to breathe. You look up to see massive rocks floating above you; Shattered remains of the moon, one of several failed projects to keep humans alive. You look back at the giant sheet of metal in front of you. Three miles in length, and one mile high, and nearly a mile wide, the massive ship is the best way for humanity to colonize new planets. Only death lies behind you, and with that in mind, you board the Beyond Equilibrium.

You walk down the hallways, hearing other passengers talking about themselves and the ship. Droids walk around to them, serving Hor d’Oeuvres. You’ve never even seen this before, and you can’t even begin to imagine what’s being served in first class. You reach your room, Deck BB, section 3, room 451. You enter the dark room, the door closing behind you. You flip up the lights, feeling alone, and realizing just how real this is. The captain chimes over the intercom. The ship is taking off in half an hour. You don’t want to be awake for that. You get motion sick from planes, imagine what an intergalactic space ship would do. You put down your only bag of luggage, and step into the cryogenic chamber. When you awake, you’ll at your new home, Eden.

Your eyes snap open from a terrible nightmare, vomiting as you leave the chamber. Your room is dark, and feels cold. Something is off. It’s completely quiet. You steady yourself and exit your room. A light flickers as you look around. Empty. What happened to the dull roar of the excited passengers? From what seems like nowhere, you hear pots being thrown on the floor. But mechanized. It’s coming fast, and closer. You turn towards the sound, wondering what it could be when you’re thrown against the wall. As you try to realize what’s going on, you feel a cold, steely grip tightening around you throat. You can barely open your eyes, while pawing at the claw on your throat. You just see the cold, red eye, staring back at you that has one intention. To kill you. Its right hand swaps out for a knife and begins to spin around in a drill like fashion aiming at your head. This is it. You’re going to die. There’s a metallic clank, you’re dropped and before you know what’s happening, the droid drops down, sparking, next to you. You look up, seeing your savior shrouded in light, carrying a flashlight and a knife, and at this point you know two things. One, if you want to survive, you need to stay with him; and two, something has gone terribly wrong.

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