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The Environment and You

The environment in which play in is extremely important, as much as the actual gameplay in fact. So when we set out to make a game set aboard a space ship, we realized that we would have to greatly vary the environment and make it worth playing in. Task 1 is easy enough and will be talked about more in the future. Task 2 was where it became difficult. So, because it’s what we’ve shown and talked about so far, we’re just going to talk about the main ship, which is largely like a cruise ship.

The biggest thing we’re doing is making every area worth exploring. Exploring rooms could yield rewards such as a bullet or duct tape or go so far as to finding one of the collectibles. Something we’re working on right now is closets to hide in, desk drawers opening up and even more basic things like toilet seats, sink handles, show doors, turning on showers, vending machines, and similar things. Essentially all of these things can be used to create sound which draws enemies. Why do this? Well, if you bring an enemy to one location while hiding in another, it provides the perfect opportunity to sneak away, never having to use that gun of yours. All of this is so that the player can feel more immersed and have more options while playing.

I’m sure we’ll be going more in depth with the environment in the future, but for now, that’s all. Remember that we are looking for another 3D character modeler, a dedicated rigger/animating, and a new PR Manager. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

Signing off,

Noah Stavish, Creative Director

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